Karen Chan

Karen is an actress, dancer and choreographer. She graduated from the Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts in 2015, where she received her BFA (Hons) in Drama, majoring in Acting. At the Academy she was awarded twice the Outstanding Actor Award. As a professional actress, she has performed in productions such as The Whale by Pop Theatre, Descendants of Eunuch Admiral by Performer Studio, A Midsummer Night's Dream (musical) by Actors' Family, Life is a Struggle...Fight It! by Drama Gallery, The Overcoat (touring) by Theatre du Pif, Of Mice and Men by Theatre Noir, among others. Karen was a full-time actress with the Pop Theatre, sponsored by HKADC's Drama Arts Internship Scheme.

She also has years of ballet and contemporary dance experiences, and has a Royal Academy of Dance Vocational Intermediate Certificate. She joined the international dance exchange programme Swanning Around, and performed in Shanghai Expo. Karen has been focused on the exploration of the relationship between acting and physical movement in recent years.


2015年畢業於香港演藝學院,獲戲劇藝術學士(榮譽)學位,主修表演,在學期間連續兩年獲傑出演員獎。曾參演作品包括普劇場《灰鯨》,Performer Studio《鄭和的後代》,演戲家族《仲夏夜之夢》,劇場工作室《我們都在努力生活》,進劇場《暖大衣》巡演,Theatre Noir《人鼠之間》等。曾獲香港藝術發展局「戲劇人才培育計劃」資助,成為普劇場駐團實習演員。
